Which Hitchcock Film Should You Star In?
Which Hitchcock Film Should You Star In?
Are you Psycho or more of a Vanishing Lady?
Are you Psycho or more of a Vanishing Lady?

North By Northwest!
North By Northwest!
You Would Star In The Hitchcock Film North by Northwest! According to your answers, this is the film that best matches your acting style. The well written script and intricate plot play very well with your cool, collected, and debonaire demeanor. The mystery you want to crack does have an end, but it will take every ounce of your constitution to survive the hairy journey ahead of you. But it will live on as one of the greatest stories of all time!
You Should Star In The Hitchcock Film Psycho! According to our team of experts, you are best suited to be in this film. A great and terrible mystery lies unheeded near the Bates Motel. It has been kept secret for a long time, and will come to a head, sooner rather than later. What exactly this might entail is anybody's guess! Know that no one is safe, death can come quickly, no matter which character you portray!
The Lady Vanishes!
The Lady Vanishes!
You Should Star In The Hitchcock Film The Lady Vanishes! According to your answers, you should star in this film. A great tumult is about when a woman completely vanishes off the face of the track. One train passenger knows, and investigates and comes to an interesting discovery! Many strange characters are yet to be met in this shocking thriller taking place on a speeding train! Keep your wits about you, and you might survive!
You Should Star In The Hitchcock Film Rebecca! According to our team of experts, this is the film that best suits your acting style and talents! It is easy to fall in love, it is hard to live with that love. As time goes on, you learn things about a person that may be hard to bear. Always remember that you must trust your own strength, that what a person does is a sure sign of what they need. Remember that you are your own master!
The Birds!
The Birds!
You Should Star In The Hitchcock Film The Birds! According to your answers, this is the best film for you to star in! Some people have an innate fear of birds, and only rarely does that fear seem sensible. Well, you are about to learn just how justified it can be. When they get together, they can be quite terrifying and downright lethal. Keep your face covered and your mind sharp, for you never know when the murder might return!
You Should Star In The Hitchcock Film Vertigo! According to our team of experts, this is the film that you should be in! Guilt can be a terrible burden. It can transform your life in ways you may not expect. A friend's favor could lead you down a path you may not desire at first, but ultimately leads you where you want to be in life. It is a long journey with many twists and turns, but gruesome deaths cannot keep you from those you love!