Which Horror Movie Would You Star In Based On Your Life?
Which Horror Movie Would You Star In Based On Your Life?
The world is a scary, scary place.
The world is a scary, scary place.

The Conjuring 2
The Conjuring 2
You Should Star In The Horror Movie The Conjuring 2! According to your answers, this is the movie you were meant to be in. The evil that you face is no small foe. The demons of hell have always sought to prey on the weak, especially children. But you have the opportunity to protect those who need your help the most, and now that you know the name of the demon, Valak, you can finally condemn it back to hell! Will you stand up for the sake of the living?
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th
You Should Star In The Horror Movie Friday the 13th! According to our team of experts, this is where your horror lies! At the infamous Camp Crystal Lake, an Old Testament world is reborn. Sin begets slash. As Jason Voorhees seeks his retribution, you have proven you are worth your salt and can prove to Jason that you are not only honorable, but that there is hope for the young people of the world! If they can avoid Jason's machete, of course!
It Follows
It Follows
You Would Star In The Horror Movie It Follows! According to your answers, you have the honor of being horrified by...well, we still don't know what it is. Perhaps one of the most terrifying sexually transmitted diseases of all time, what exactly stops It from following you is completely unknown. Perhaps it all comes down to love, which is why you are more than capable to figure out a way out of this mystery!
The Silence of the Lambs
The Silence of the Lambs
You Would Star In The Horror Movie The Silence Of The Lambs! According to our team of experts, you are intrinsically qualified to handle the Buffalo Bill case. Serial killers are always a detriment to society, but sometimes you need to pick the brain of one in order to catch another. You have proven that you have the wit to play ball with Hannibal Lecter himself, something that not everyone has the capacity to do. Can you help bring in a merciless murderer while keeping another behind bars?
The Others
The Others
You Would Star In The Horror Movie The Others! According to your answers, you will have to find the reality behind the reality! As a parent, you are righteously protective of your children. When it seems someone has infiltrated your house as you wait for your husband to come back from the war, you will do everything possible to come to the heart of the problem. Just remember, things are not always what they seem. Be prepared for the fact that it just might be you who is the intruder!
The Shining
The Shining
You Would Star In The Horror Movie The Shining! According to our team of experts, you would be the star of this classic terror. Sometimes, to our horror, the ones we trust the most become the ones who betray us, even if they are being driven insane by forces beyond our control. The reality is that sometimes we cannot control our own actions, but that revelation does not excuse those actions. Can you maintain your composure and defeat the forces that seek to control you?