Which X-Men Timeline Should You Travel To?
Which X-Men Timeline Should You Travel To?
Are you destined to face a Sentinel or Apocalypse?
Are you destined to face a Sentinel or Apocalypse?

What event would you want to participate in first?
If Apocalypse gave you the choice to be one of his four horsemen, what would you do?
The Sentinels are attacking! What do you do?
What would you do if you had the opportunity to kill Bolivar Trask, like Mystique?
The X-Men invite you onto a mission and ask you to suit up, which suit do you choose?
How do you believe the Mutant question should be solved?
If you are part of Boliver Trask's team, and you find out what he's done, what's your next move?
Which of these mutants would you never want to meet in-person?
Which type of power would you want most as a mutant?
If you captured Magneto, what would you do with him first?
As a teacher in Xavier's school, what subject would you teach?
If having your powers meant you couldn't touch anyone, would you seek a cure, like Rogue?
If you were Charles Xavier, where would you meet Eric Lehnsherr?
If humans tried to arrest or detain you just because you were a mutant, what would you do?
To which Mutant Leader would you seek for wisdom and advice?
If you accepted Apocalypse's proposal, which of the Four Horsemen would you be?
Past Timeline!
Past Timeline!
You Should Travel To The Past X-Men Timeline! According to your answers, you would be most helpful here! You have seen what the future holds, and it is just too much to bear. However, a new foe has come. As the world begins to crack under the weight of Apocalypse, you can help tip the balance and free the world. There are many mutants that may side with the enemy, but they are mislead. You have seen the folly of those who follow Apocalypse, and it is you who must lead the charge in swaying the other mutants to our cause. Your knowledge of mutant and human history will give us a great advantage. Will you help defeat Apocalypse, for the sake of the Earth itself?
Future Timeline!
Future Timeline!
You Should Travel To Future X-Men Timeline! According to our team of experts, you absolutely must lend your skills to the future. The Sentinels are destroying mutantkind everywhere it can find it: even in humans who carry the mutant X gene. But you have a secret weapon against the Sentinels. And it is this knowledge that is our saving grace. You can survive the hell that is our time and win a battle that seems fruitless. All this you can do, and more, with the help of every last mutant on the planet! Will you step up to the challenge of the Sentinels?