Which "Color Purple" character are you?
Which "Color Purple" character are you?
Take this quiz to find out which character you are in the famous best selling book, "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker.
Take this quiz to find out which character you are in the famous best selling book, "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker.
Are you a male or female?
Somebody tells you to go clean the entire house because you're a woman. What do you do?
What would you rather do out of the following tasks?
What's color stands out to you the most?
What is most important to you?
Would you be married to someone you don't love?
You're Celie!
You're Celie!
You are a very religious person. Although you may not have the highest confidence in yourself at first, you're definitely one of the strongest people around! You've been through a lot of tough times and have survived through all of them. You have been a survivor most of your life but after a while you become a self confident loving person who is a true fighter.
You're Nettie!
You're Nettie!
You are a highly motivated person. You have a drive to learn about the world around you and have an undying love for your family. You are set out to right the wrongs of the world and would do anything to get the truth. Nothing stops you from bringing justice.
You're Sofia!
You're Sofia!
You've had a rough childhood, being pushed around all the time, but you've grown into a strong independent person. Nobody bosses you around or tells you what to do or not to do. You are the boss and it will take a lot to break you!
You're Squeak!
You're Squeak!
You've been just going with the flow most of your life but you have a spark in you that's just waiting to be lit. Once that is lit you will spark and fly, you'll be one of the strongest people around and your self confidence will skyrocket!
You're Harpo!
You're Harpo!
You're a very special person! You don't believe in gender stereotypes and follow your heart. You really want true love but is influenced easily against your heart by those you believe are close to you. At the end of the day your heart rules over what other people tell you to do!
You're Shug Avery!
You're Shug Avery!
You're a bit of a wildcard! You are a very strong person and always get others to give you your way. You see the best in others and treat everyone with respect, only if they deserve it though. You love to entertain others and love the thrill of glamour and beauty. You have a truck load of self confidence and instill it in others. You don't let your past get to who you are today and don't care what the haters think.
You're Pa... Yikes!
You're Pa... Yikes!
You got the father of Celie and Nettie... You must have really chosen the wrong kinds of answers to get to this result but if you answered all of them truthfully you're probably a horrible person!
You're Albert... Yikes!
You're Albert... Yikes!
You're the husband of Celie who really wanted to be the husband of Nettie who before that really wanted to be the husband of Shug. Oh and you beat your wife! You must have really chosen the wrong kinds of answers to get to this result but if you answered all of them truthfully you're probably a horrible person!