Is The Grim Reaper Looking For You? Take This Quiz To See If You’ve Been Narrowly Avoiding Death
Is The Grim Reaper Looking For You? Take This Quiz To See If You’ve Been Narrowly Avoiding Death
Death is coming for all of us but the Grim Reaper might be looking for you specifically. Sometimes when someone is supposed to die and then doesn't, the Grim Reaper has to put into effect a series of events which lead to their downfall. Fortunately, people have been researching the different omens and evidence of Grim Reapers looking for souls. Take this quiz to see if there is evidence that death has been looking for you.
Death is coming for all of us but the Grim Reaper might be looking for you specifically. Sometimes when someone is supposed to die and then doesn't, the Grim Reaper has to put into effect a series of events which lead to their downfall. Fortunately, people have been researching the different omens and evidence of Grim Reapers looking for souls. Take this quiz to see if there is evidence that death has been looking for you.
Trees and flowers often show evidence of nearby Grim Reapers. Select any of the below options which have happened to the plant or trees near your home.
Have any of the following animals crossed your path recently?
Some say the Grim Reaper has been known to knock on the front doors of those souls they are searching for. If you've heard knocks at your door recently but nobody was there when you answered, select how many knocks you heard.
Think back to the last time you broke a glass, dish, or similar item. How many people were around at the time you broke it?
Dogs have a sixth sense about death. Unfortunately, their communication abilities are limited. If your dog has been barking abnormally recently, it might be an indication they sense a Grim Reaper nearby. Select the option which best describes how your dog has been barking as of late.
Mirrors are a key indicator of nearby Grim Reapers. Select any of the options which has happened to you recently. If more than one has happened, select the one which happened most recently.
Seeing someone who looks just like you can be a sign of death or good fortune. If this has happened to you, select the option which best describes the scenario you experienced.
Finally, our dreams can foretell of death. Select any of the below omens which have visited you in your dreams. If you've experienced multiple omens, select the one you experienced most recently.
Death has been looking for you. Based on your answers, it appears you happened to miss your planned expiration date and now the Grim Reapers is looking to set the wheels of death in motion to right that wrong. Better be careful!
Good news! Death isn't seeking you. Well, at least not right now, anyway.