How middle class are you?

What do your possessions say about your lifestyle?

Johnston Press
Created by Johnston Press (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 27, 2016

How do you get to work?

You listen to your music on:

Your oven is:

Your holiday luggage is made by:

You're cold at home, do you

Your TV is a:

You vacuum your floor with a:

The most ridiculous thing in your kitchen is:

Your fridge is a:

You want to cook a healthy meal, do you:

For a healthy drink to accompany your meal, do you:

In the holiday home of your dreams you yearn for:

Your biggest pet peeve is when guests:

A bit middle class

A bit middle class

You dip into the middle class lifestyle from time to time, but are happiest enjoying the simpler things in life. You have no interest in fads and put value for money above all else. Who would want to buy a spiralizer, anyway.

Middle class

Middle class

You feel most at home arranging your matching coasters in front of the wood-burning stove (with the smart TV turned down). You believe in investing in quality items but have no interest in showing off your wealth

Upwardly mobile

Upwardly mobile

Your convenience lifestyle, love of expensive brands and desire to keep up with the Joneses make you appear upwardly mobile to your peers. But as the bewildering British class system goes, money doth not maketh the middle class man.

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