Are You As Funny As You Think You Are?
Are You As Funny As You Think You Are?
What kind of sense of humor do you have? Are you even funny? Lets find out...
What kind of sense of humor do you have? Are you even funny? Lets find out...
Are you excited for this quiz?
What is red and bad for your teeth?
What is your favorite color?
If you could be a celebrity, who would it be?
Have you heard the three Sally jokes?
Why did Sally fall off the swing?
Where did Sally go when the bomb exploded?
Knock Knock! Who's there?
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Dark Humor
Dark Humor
It's true. Not everyone does. But you do. And you love it. A mix of sarcasm and pessimism makes this raw talent of awfully (literally) funny jokes. Even searching for this picture I saw some pretty horrible jokes that I couldn't help but laugh at.
Sarcasm and Salt
Sarcasm and Salt
Are you salty or have a really awesome sense of humor? Probably both. With sweet sarcasm comes awesome friendships based upon insults and roasts. But you love it, cause not only does sarcasm work with the witty, but also the morons you use it on.
Punny Gut Blower
Punny Gut Blower
Please stop. Just stop. Puns are fun for awhile but they become too funny and that's when someone gets hurt. You stand there smug with your witty humor. Some look at you with rage. Others are on the floor dying. Most of the time you didn't even realize you made a pun that's how good you are.
Literal Humor
Literal Humor
Bored and Salty at the same time. You are what everyone refers to as a party pooper, but you do end up amusing yourself don't you.