what kind of derp are you?
what kind of derp are you?
you are a goddamn derp!!!!
you are a goddamn derp!!!!

what kind of music do you like?
if you could live anywhere where would it be?
what is you talent?
what kind of books/movies/t.v?
what do eat?
one last one.
what are you scared of be honest or i will look for you i will find you and i will...KILL YOU!!!!!
toooo nice derp
toooo nice derp
you are a derp who wants to be a grandma but is not. resulting in squeezing kids cheeks!
just a derp
just a derp
you are a derp nothing awesome just a plane derp.
a funny derp
a funny derp
one minute you are looking in to space the next your laughing and cralwing one the floor trying to get in the bathroom! i am this kind of derp so feel free to share this.
mean derp
mean derp
all i have to say is you fail at roasting...
pro derp
pro derp
you are a office derp and you work hard