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What Planet Are You Really From?

The old saying goes . . . men are from Mars, women are from Venus. But where are you really from?

Jon Anderton
Created by Jon Anderton
On Nov 1, 2015

Choose a Greek God or Goddess:

What is your spirit animal?

Choose an element:

Do believe in life on other planets?

Would you ever travel in space?

Pick a Science Fiction film:

Pick a famous alien:



As you might have suspected, you truly are an earthling. While it is fun to wonder about what else there might be in the vast expansive universe, you know where you belong, and can feel the ground beneath you.



You are a real Martian. Until recently we didn't know it was possible, but like that flowing water, you stand as proof. You've always been a bit of an outsider, and maybe you can get a little heated on some issues, but you are similar and close to an eagling, making it easy for you to blend in. We all just hope you come in peace.



You're far out . . . well your home is. Since Pluto got the boot, your planet is the furthest from earth, making you a distant cousin to your earthling friends. Still, your planet is one that doesn't have all the fussy trappings of some of the theres. You are a relaxed and content person, pleased with your place in the world, or rather out of it. Cool!



Your from the big one. While the conditions of your homeward might be a bit more lethal than here on earth, that just makes you more resilient. You are a strong independent person. On a planet as big as Jupiter you'd have to be. You're welcome here join Earth, but we're smaller and our weather is a tad less intense, so try to keep it down.



You're home world is not all that habitable, but man is it cool looking. Like you, your homeward is mysterious and majestic. While you may be the quiet type (even put up rings around yourself to keep others at a distance), you are benevolent and kind, and often attract many people to you.

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