What Superhero Team Should You Join?
What Superhero Team Should You Join?
United we stand, divided we fall. Everyone needs teammates. Where do you fit in?
United we stand, divided we fall. Everyone needs teammates. Where do you fit in?

Choose a non-super team leader:
Pick a Super Animal:
Who is your nemesis?
Marvel or DC?
How do you view your role in your friend group?
Choose a Superpower:
What do you fight for?
Pick a fortress:
How would you describe yourself to your team?
With great power comes . . .
Which movie are you most looking forward to?
The Avengers
The Avengers
Welcome to the most popular team on the planet. Though you may be hot right now, and your track record is pretty incredible, that doesn't mean that it's all fun and games. Tensions can brew even among the mightiest of heroes, and your next foe may be the one at your side. You are dysfunctional but highly effective, and for now, there's not a better team playing the game. Avengers assemble!
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
You're no hero - but that doesn't mean you can't save the day. You have always tended toward the dark side of power, and your story is one that is riddled with drama and defeat other than glory and triumph. Still your team, made up of some of the biggest baddies out there, might just prove effective. Can dark against dark make light? Time to find out. Welcome to the Suicide Squad.
Justice League
Justice League
The Justice League is the a-list, the heavy hitters, and the number one team to call when the earth is in imminent peril. This team has members that represent light and dark and all the colors in between. They have a history of fighting and a constantly shifting roster, but what group doesn't have its drama. If you think you're a true hero, here's your chance to prove it. Welcome to the big leagues!
You are the outcasts, the ones who must fight for themselves because no one else will fight for them. You might not get as much respect as your peers, but your cause is a dire one. Just as you have to fight those who don't understand, you must also often fight your mutant brothers and sisters. It's not easy being an x-men, and the lines between good and bad often blur. But you can decide, with Wolverine and Cyclops and their ilk by your side, that you are fighting the good fight, a fight that may never end, but that won't stop you. It's likely that nothing will!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy
If you like pina coladas this is the group for you! You may have been a misfit, even been a baddie at one time or another, but after a long time searching you've found a group that you can do some real good with. You operate far away from the capes and masks on earth, but your fight affects the whole universe. There are other galaxies besides the milky way that need guarding, and it's on you and your awesome, powerful, loser friends to get the job done. Welcome to the club. You're a Guardian now!