What kind of fat fur are you ?
What kind of fat fur are you ?
How many meals would want to eat a day?
How much space would you like to take up?
How would you feel about jiggling with every breath you take?
Would you want to be mobile?
Would you be embarrassed if people seeing you Extremely Flabby ?
Would you like your arms and legs to be engulfed by your corpulences ?
How do you feel about folds of flab ?
Would you use your body for Financial gain? (Selling pictures of yourself,Modeling,Etc.)
Would you want go to pool and show of your flab?
With bigger size, comes with the struggle to bathe every flabby. Would having a sent of B.O bother you?
Would you want to socialize with your other fat fur friends?
Would you ingest a scientific serum, For your weight gain
How do you feel about moobs/boobs
Would you wan to still wear clothing
Would you want a machine to feed you ?
What part of your body, Would Defined you
would you find it relaxing, If your heading got sucked Into your flab?
Would you fatten your self up in public
How would you feel about squishing someone between your massive rump
You see a high fat buffet sitting on the table what do you think?
What part of you would you like to be crushed up a against a glass wall?
jiggly lard
jiggly lard
The name pretty much says it all, You really don't have a shape, as your flab fills Every crack and crevice it can. It's impossible to move you, Since you're so large. People like to come and lay on your massive Flab, And they might even jump on you.
Master Moobs
Master Moobs
Moobs and boobs, they all look the same, but your weight as much a s full grow human ! better hope you can find a bra that can contain them, you wound not want to be sited with indecent exposure
Large But
Large But
"those hip do lie" some will say, but you have a rump that could fill a couch. Your walk is more a waddle and your pants of XXXL. Your upper half is nice and neat, but you better look over for small doors and hallways
ball-of-flab, It's it quite interesting Body style. It means your skin It's so tight, Instead of your massive fat Sagging from your body, It turned you into a round ball of falb. At least you don't have to worry about cleaning in between every one of your flabby folds. And moving you around just a cinch. Since your helper just need to roll you around, But they better watch out and not get your way, or the will be crushed flatter that there wildest dreams.
Moving tank
Moving tank
You have a little weight 300-500 pounds that is, but you dont let that stop you from getting the most out of life, you can still move on your own, heck you might even play football. Not much will stand you your way
What kind of fat fur are you ?