How Much Do You REALLY Know About The Pope?
How Much Do You REALLY Know About The Pope?
We all know him as the man shaking hands and kissing babies... but would The Pontiff kick you out of a club for dress code?
We all know him as the man shaking hands and kissing babies... but would The Pontiff kick you out of a club for dress code?

Created by Jonny Richards
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10
What does this Pope emoji stand for?
2 / 10
What did pope Francis study in school?
3 / 10
Was Pope Francis a club bouncer?
4 / 10
Has the Pope ever had a girlfriend?
5 / 10
What is the Pope's favorite sport?
6 / 10
What is the government name of Pope Francis?
7 / 10
Francis is the first ever "Jesuit Pope"... what does Jesuit mean?
8 / 10
How long has it been since the Pope watched TV?
9 / 10
How many different Twitter accounts does the Pope have?
10 / 10
How long does The Pope think he'll be "The Pope"?
Questions left
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