Where Should You Actually Hang Out This Semester?

Nothing will change the vibes more than a change of scenery! Where should you spend your time this year?

Jonny Richards
Created by Jonny Richards
On Sep 6, 2015

How happy are you with your grades?

Are your roommates cool?

How well known are you on campus?

Are you older than 21?

On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the happiest), how happy are you with your body image?

What's your favorite place to study?

Do you have parties at your place?

Rate your campus!

What's your classification?

The Recreation Center is your new spot!

The Recreation Center is your new spot!

Welcome to recreation my friend! If you haven't been in here enough you're only cheating yourself A. Because your fitness is incredibly important, and B. Because you're already paying for it! Whether you've been nose down in the books or turned up in the club, nothing compares to that euphoric feeling of being healthy. I know those unlimited meal plans will blow your mind, but don't let that freshman 15 turn into a sad senior story! Get your fitness on!

The Library is your new spot!

The Library is your new spot!

Shhhhh! Be very, very quiet... you're bettering yourself in the library this semester, and you don't need any distractions! There comes a time in every college students life where it's time to buckle down and do what you're there to do, and that's find yourself... I mean, that's find your limits... no, that's not it either... oh yea, LEARN & GRADUATE!!! Whether you've been working out your muscles, your liver, or just loafing around, it's time to get your study on and lock it down! Good luck to you, you've got this!

The Crib is your new spot!

The Crib is your new spot!

Hey there wild child, welcome to your house! Do you remember this? It's that thing that you and your parents pay rent on but you never stay at because you're either waking up in/on another persons' bed or couch! One important thing to remember in college is to not lead yourself to a burnout because they definitely happen! Your body can only take so much studying, partying, drinking, smoking, creating, whatever "ing" you can come up with, you can only do so much. So take a chill pill, save some dough, and stay indoors!

The Student Center is your new spot!

The Student Center is your new spot!

It's time to get out there buddy, there's nothing more glorious than a college campus that belongs to you! Every campus has the cool spot where all the students congregate, and that's what we mean by the student center. If you thought this quiz was directing you to go "hang out" at student services, then you really do need to get out more! The most beautiful thing about campus is that there's always something going on, people to see, and a chance to meet someone new. Don't let your college career slip past without making lifelong connections, or you could end up as an unhappily married adult with no friends to talk about their problems with! Yuck!

The Clubs and Bars are your new spots!

The Clubs and Bars are your new spots!

You hear that? It's the rhythm of the night calling your name, and it's time for you to answer it. One of the most beautiful parts about college is the nightlife and the wonders it possess; however, if you don't take advantage of this time you have and party it up you'll end up like that old guy in the club - nobody wants to be the old guy in the club. Now don't go out and DO things you're uncomfortable with, but you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to see how versatile you really are. Get out and have fun, don't be shy, and if you like them, go talk to that girl or guy! The things we didn't do are the things that stick with us. Trust us, you don't want that extra baggage!

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