Who Is Your Celebrity Life Coach?
Who Is Your Celebrity Life Coach?
The world is tough! So many how's and why's, who knows when, where, or what to do? Your Celebrity Life Coach does, and they're waiting for you!
The world is tough! So many how's and why's, who knows when, where, or what to do? Your Celebrity Life Coach does, and they're waiting for you!

Someone bumps into you. You drop your afternoon snack. They keep walking. How do you react?
What type of person are you?
Which of these relaxation methods is the most appealing to you?
Which of theses philosophies do you most identify with?
Say something out loud. Do you like your voice? Rate it from 1 to 10!
How often do you curse?
Which of these positions would you least like to be?
Do you think you can you dance?
Which of these do you feel you bring to people the most?
Would you rather have 1 career for the rest of your life, or several?
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Samuel L. Jackson!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Samuel L. Jackson!
Not too many celebs can handle the pressures of Hollywood over time and not crack, and if there's a star that hasn't it's the egg-headed Samuel L Jackson! That means that your life coach won't teach you how to just live life, but to be one bad motha-#shutyomouth! Now Sam's language may get a little strong for you every now and then, but that's only because he loves you so just chalk it up to Sam being Sam. We all have our down moments in life, and when you're in that place go watch Pulp Fiction or Deep Blue Sea and you'll know exactly what to do!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Morgan Freeman!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Morgan Freeman!
There's been many a smooth voice to come along, but not too many as smooth as Morgan Freeman's and that's your life coach! Now that Mr. Freeman is helping you get on course in your life, prepare to have some heavy philosophy dropped on you at all times! Even some of his simpler sentences such as "Could you please pass the potatoes" will have you rethinking your values and moral standing in life, so get ready for that! Anytime you lose your way "into the wormhole" of life and you're looking for some words to have a "deep impact" on you, look no further than Morgan Freeman!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Clint Eastwood!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Clint Eastwood!
Time is the only thing you can't replace, and after living 85 years on this Earth it's a fact that Clint Eastwood has one or two nuggets of gold an he's your Life Coach! As a man who has succeeded in virtually everything he's tried, Clint will impart on you an unrivaled toughness and the self discipline/control of a monk! Now at times those eyes may penetrate to your soul and make you feel bad, just know that's how Clint looks at everything; just be glad he's looking at you! Clint's got decades of product just waiting for you to binge on, so look at his classics and make this life a classic of your very own!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Christopher Walken!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Christopher Walken!
From free range chickens to Fatboy Slim videos, Christopher Walken has seen and done it all and he's ready to transfer that knowledge to you as your life coach! It's extremely hard to be cool for being yourself in this world, and Mr. Walken has it down to a science, meta-morphing into whatever the current cool is by applying himself to the situation. You've got to be able to move freely in this world and dance your heart out at every chance you get, and Christopher can teach you something about that. His methods may seem strange at times and his voice a little hard to follow, but if you can steadfast on his life coaching path you'll be "Walken" on water!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Betty White!
Congrats! Your Life Coach is Betty White!
Coming up on her 100th year anniversary of life in the very near future, Betty White has seen America become what it is today and she's ready to impart that knowledge on you as your life coach! Betty has been breaking the mold since age 20 as a pinup girl and has been trailblazing a path for women in America ever since. The hardest thing about this life coaching experience would probably be keeping up with Betty! At 93, she doesn't show any signs or retiring and it's that kind of work ethic that one can only hope to duplicate. So pay attention, keep up, and follow this golden girl's advice to your promised land of happiness!