This Ink-Blot Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Fear In Life
This Ink-Blot Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Fear In Life
In psychology, projective tests - like the ink-blot - have been used for decades to assess a person's deepest, darkest fears and thoughts. Find out what yours is!
In psychology, projective tests - like the ink-blot - have been used for decades to assess a person's deepest, darkest fears and thoughts. Find out what yours is!

What do you see in this image?
What do you see in this image?
What do you see in this image?
Keep on going...
Your Biggest Fear is Failure
Your Biggest Fear is Failure
Based on what you saw in the ink-blot images, your biggest fear in life is failure. You've already accomplished so much in your life, but your type-A personality and perfectionism have led you to believe that there is still a chance for failure at every step. Nothing could terrify you more than the possibility of tripping up and failing. You're an extremely successful person, but your subconscious has you fearing otherwise. Don't stress about it too much - you're a rock star!
Your Biggest Fear is The Supernatural
Your Biggest Fear is The Supernatural
Based on what you saw in the ink-blot images your biggest fear is the supernatural. The haunting sensation that you're not alone in the dark or an eerie sound at night petrify you the most. You're an extremely intuitive person and have a unique ability to see and feel things that other's don't - which heightens your fear even more. Perhaps your fear is not unwarranted....
Your Biggest Fear is Sickness
Your Biggest Fear is Sickness
Based on what you saw in the ink-blot images, your biggest fear is sickness. You're subconsciously terrified that you will catch something and die. You're a complete health freak and take wonderful care of your body. You are strong and athletic and fear the day of becoming physically weak and sick. The lightest cold can have you spinning in fear. Try not to worry about it because you take care of yourself and are incredibly healthy!
Your Biggest Fear is Rejection
Your Biggest Fear is Rejection
Based on what you saw in the ink-blot images, your biggest fear is rejection. You're an extremely loving and sensitive person who cares deeply for your friends and family. You're petrified by the fact that the love you have for others may not be reciprocated to you. The thought of someone harshly shutting you down is terrifying! Don't worry too much though, because rejection is a part of life. Just keep the people who treat you the best and love you the most close to you - and then you won't have anything to fear!