What Is Your Game Of Thrones Personality Complex?
What Is Your Game Of Thrones Personality Complex?
Everyone has a dark side...
Everyone has a dark side...
![Joppe Maren](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/2ff48ef6-5e16-4602-85c6-b00671b8b16d.jpg)
How confident are you?
Do you enjoy being the center of attention?
Which of these is your greatest strength
Which of these is your worst weakness?
Are you in touch with your emotions?
Nothing gets between you and...
In stressful situations, you tend to...
Do you enjoy doing thoughtful things for others?
You have "The Cersei Complex" aka The Ego Complex
You have "The Cersei Complex" aka The Ego Complex
The Ego Complex stems from the conviction that "I am a center of the Universe" and that one's own desires should be satisfied instantly, whereas those of others might wait. Sounds like Cersei much? Cersei has a knack for putting her interests first, no matter what the consequences may be. Just like Cersei, you don't let anyone step all over you and are true to your convictions.
You have "The Little Finger Complex" aka The Superiority Complex
You have "The Little Finger Complex" aka The Superiority Complex
The Superiority Complex stems from the inner perception of oneself being better than others. A "superior" person will create relations solely based on specific reasons. Sounds like Little Finger much? Throughout the entire show he's been manipulative and calculating, always thinking a step ahead for his own evil intentions and selfishly thinking about his safety and no one else's. If he's being nice to you, that means he wants something from you. Just like Little Finger you are always scheming to find the best thing for yourself.
You have "The Ramsay Complex" aka The God Complex
You have "The Ramsay Complex" aka The God Complex
The God Complex is a psychological illusion of unlimited personal potential. It features the persistent demonstration of one's abilities and stubborness to admit to one's own faults. Sounds like Ramsay much? Ramsay's constant persecution and torment of people, allows him to believe that he is the person who decides other's fate. He is constantly trying to prove to others, specifically his father, that he is smart and worthy of power. Just like Ramsay, you enjoy being the center of attention and having power/control over others.
You have "The Stannis Complex" aka The Dependence Complex
You have "The Stannis Complex" aka The Dependence Complex
The complex of Dependence on the Opinions of Others stems form a lack of personal confidence. It features an inability to formulate one's own position without the prior counseling with others and a high tendency to follow blindly. Sounds like Stannis much? He was warped by the Red Woman and unable to make any decision without consulting her. His tendency to follow blindly led him to burn his only child at the stake. Just like Stannis, you like to get feedback from others.