Do You Actually Love Animals More Than You Love People?

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

Jordan Baker
Created by Jordan Baker
On Mar 26, 2019

You love people more

You love people more

Based on your answers, we found that you love people WAY more than animals. You're friendly and outgoing and simply love a good conversation. You tend to be quite in touch with your feelings and often contemplate deep or profound notions. You're kind, benevolent and enjoy mental stimulation!

Share your result with a people lover!

You love animals more

You love animals more

Based on your answers, we found that you love animals WAY more than people. You're sensitive and spiritual and often feel like animals are better than humans. You also tend to be rather emotional and affection and simply adore being in the company of other animals. In fact, some of your best friends are animals themselves!

Share your result with an animal lover!

You love both equally

You love both equally

Based on your answers, we found that you love people and animals equally, in other words, you simply love life! You're a strong, independent thinker and tend to be quite logical in your reasoning. You enjoy the company of humans just as much as you might enjoy the company of puppies, as you realize that you get different things from both. You tend to be quite balanced and reasonable and have an inclusive attitude to life.

Share your result with other life lovers!

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