How Much Do You Know About The Civil Rights Movement?
How Much Do You Know About The Civil Rights Movement?
The last time you learned about this was probably middle school. So let's see what important and extremely relevant information you remember.
The last time you learned about this was probably middle school. So let's see what important and extremely relevant information you remember.
When was the Civil Rights Movement?
What were people fighting against?
Who is this Civil Rights activist?
What did Rosa Parks do that was so groundbreaking?
The Jim Crow Laws prevented African Americans from:
Finish this sentence: Separate but ________
Which court case concluded that segregation was okay?
The _______ of 1964 prohibited discrimination in public places, as well as made it illegal to not hire someone based on race, religion, sex, nationality, and color.
Where did Martin Luther King Jr recite his famous "I Have A Dream" speech?
Who was not part of the Civil Rights Movement?
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