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What Should You Wear To Your Next Zoom Meeting?

Should you go for the grey sweats you wore yesterday or a real outfit?

Jordan Cohen
Created by Jordan Cohen
On Jun 22, 2020
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What time do you wake up while working from home?

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How many times a week do you online shop?

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What is your ideal office dress code?

How have you been keeping busy during quarantine?

Pick a show to binge:

What do you eat for lunch?

What are your thoughts on work happy hour via Zoom?

Jeans With Full Hair and Makeup

Jeans With Full Hair and Makeup

Before working from home, you were always the most stylish person at the office. So why should that stop you now? On your next Zoom call, put on jeans, curl your hair, and swipe on some lipstick. Everyone might think you're being extra, but you're online shopping during meetings anyway so might as well show off your new products.

Blazer and Pajamas

Blazer and Pajamas

If you're trying to be as productive as possible while working from home, try dressing like you're at the office. You don't need to wear a full on suit in your own living room, but putting on a blazer or dress shirt can help you feel more professional. And since your coworkers can only see your top half, why not stay in your cozy pj bottoms?



Let's face it, you're probably in sweatpants right now so might as well keep them on for your meeting. You're so over working from home and your boss asking if everyone can hear them. If you wake up 5 minutes before your calls, stick to sweats. Spice it up with a DIY tie dye set if you're feeling slightly productive.

A Colorful Wig

A Colorful Wig

You're the coworker keeping everyone entertained and making the most of working from home, so why not show off your positive vibes with a fun accessory, like a wig? If you're always ready for Zoom Happy Hour, you should wear a neon wig to your next virtual meeting.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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