What Do People Think Of You Based On How You Speak?
What Do People Think Of You Based On How You Speak?
Have you ever noticed that you jump to conclusions about people based on how they say the word "vase" or "niche?" Well, a recent study found that you're not alone! People are constantly judging each other based on their pronunciation, so find out what snap judgement they're making about you.
Have you ever noticed that you jump to conclusions about people based on how they say the word "vase" or "niche?" Well, a recent study found that you're not alone! People are constantly judging each other based on their pronunciation, so find out what snap judgement they're making about you.

How would you pronounce this word?
How would you pronounce this word?
How would you pronounce this word?
People think you are Intellectual, Intelligent, and Educated
People think you are Intellectual, Intelligent, and Educated
People assume that you are educated, well-read, and authoritative when they hear you speak. You present yourself as highly capable and intelligent with your word usage. Your accent is associated with a person who has seen the world and understands things on a higher level. People rarely question you, right?
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People think you are Down to earth, Approachable, and Relatable
People think you are Down to earth, Approachable, and Relatable
When people speak to you they immediately find you approachable, relatable, and down-to-earth. You don't have a pretentious bone in your body, and your biggest pet peeve is show offs. Your folksy charm makes you easy to love and very appealing. People are happy to turn to you for advice and support because they know they won't be judged by you.
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!
People think you are Sophisticated, Urban, and Well-rounded
People think you are Sophisticated, Urban, and Well-rounded
People see you as cultured, well-rounded, and cosmopolitan. You give off the impression that you have seen the world and embarked on many an adventure. Many are often intimidated by your influential nature and developed opinions. You are not someone to be trifled with, you represent a refined and dignified outlook on the world.
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!
People think you are Confident, Bold, and Poised
People think you are Confident, Bold, and Poised
You strike people as confident, bold, and poised. You do not equivocate or hesitate, you present yourself openly and as you are. People's opinion of you is very low on your priorities, instead you venture to be your most authentic self. You refuse to waste time pandering to others, and instead focus your attention on developing and honing in on your own thoughts and ideas. You are truly built for leadership!
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!
People think you are Traditional, Proper, and Rooted
People think you are Traditional, Proper, and Rooted
When you speak, people assume that you represent the view-point of a traditional, old-fashioned, and proper person. You seem like the kind of person who has strong roots and a connection to their past. You understand that there is something beautiful about the way the world used to be, and you long for those simpler and more innocent times.
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!