What Should Your Major REALLY Be?
What Should Your Major REALLY Be?
Are the numbers calling your name, or do you have an unspoken affinity with words and everything artistic?
Are the numbers calling your name, or do you have an unspoken affinity with words and everything artistic?
I consider myself to be very...
Do you enjoy working with people?
How wealthy do you want to be?
Would you consider yourself a creative thinker?
You have a free night, what will you do?
You have to take a full semester of one or the other, which will you choose?
Which class would you hate to take?
How do you feel about competition?
What type of work is best for you?
I know that I want to work mostly with:
Mathematics !
Mathematics !
You should have majored in a number based subject, and I would most definitely say that physics and maybe even a little engineering would work well?
You are analytical, logical, and very precise. You are great at following steps and directions - especially if it comes to numbers! Maybe you haven't had too much luck with numbers thus far, but were you REALLY trying as hard as you could have?
You're meant for something in math. So, does it add up?
One should never confuse a science based ANYTHING with boredom, science is about revolutionizing the world. Science is about inventing the next big thing!
You are creative, dedicated, and inventive! Whether it's biology, pre-med, or even computer science - you should have majored in something science based! You have the mind of the next big Einstein or technology guru.
You were made to help the word grow, so what creation will you bring that takes the world to the next level?
Language Arts!
Language Arts!
To have a talent for words is far and in between. To be able to take words and shape them into worlds and feelings is nothing short of magic.
You are a bit of an introvert when you want to be, complex, and detailed oriented. That's why you should have majored in a language art! Whether that's journalism, English, or maybe even a foreign language you would have been amazing at it.
So which story will you write up next?
To be business minded is to not only be a leader, changer, and a maker - it's to a visionary. When you have an affinity for business, you have an affinity for innovation! Bill Gates, Oprah, and Warren Buffet are birds of your feather!
You are inquisitive, authentic, and calculating - in the best way possible! You are a step ahead of the competition and have planned for any disaster long before the disaster even KNEW it WAS a disaster. You know how to work with people and how to get the best out of them.
That's why you should have majored in a business related field! Maybe even open your business? It's never too late!
You know how people work - how their brains function - how people are people. You are perceptive, inquisitive, and very genuine.
You have an affinity for thinking - and there is a bit of psychology everywhere! You should be a psychiatrist, caretaker, or therapist. You can see past the smoke and well into the fire - you know why things are the way they are.
So don't be stingy and share your wisdom! And maybe share a bit of your insight, too?
Every now and then we run into a person who wants to give back to the world that raised them - whether that's educating people on math, art, or even life. An affinity for teaching means that you want to change the world at its roots.
You are curious, warm-hearted, and determined. You can tough it out with the worst of students because you care enough to be there. You can make quite a living - but you're not living for money. You want to help better the leaders of tomorrow and give back all you've learned.
So... which talent will you pass on?
Political Science!
Political Science!
Two words describe you best - argumentative and accurate.
You know when to challenge a battle, and you also know when a battle is lost. Before you even start arguing you already know that you have the most valid information and you go about the situation strategically. When you know that you don't have the most valid information - you have amazing finesse!
You should have majored in political science! You should be a lawyer, a campaign manager, or maybe even the President?
Fine Arts!
Fine Arts!
To be, or not to be?
To major, or not to major in something within the Fine Arts!? Easy question, major! You're meant to do something artistic - something where your creative mind can be put to use!
You are a visionary, a lot like Divinci, Eminem, and Meryl Streep. You have a talent for aesthetics and I most definitely think you should share it! Maybe you can write a song, poem, or a play? Maybe you can act in a comedy, drama, or movie?
Maybe you're the next big thing?