Are You TRULY An American?

There are just certain things that you HAVE to know! So - do you?

Jeiye Roze
Created by Jeiye Roze
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10

Can people vote for the President in Hawaii?

2 / 10

Who was the second President?

3 / 10

Can you fly to Puerto Rico without a passport?

4 / 10

What's America's official language?

5 / 10

Which NASA mission first landed men on the moon?

6 / 10

In what year did Columbus first sail across the Atlantic?

7 / 10

Where was the first successful settlement by Englishmen in the United States?

8 / 10

Now sense who ISN'T an American!

9 / 10

One more time! Who else was born in America? The answer might surprise you!

10 / 10

THE FINAL TEST! Which person below is an American-born? You should be able to sense it!

Questions left
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