How Well Do You Know The Food You Eat Each Day?
How Well Do You Know The Food You Eat Each Day?
You might be surprised about a few of these, you'll definitely check the nutrition label twice from now on too!
You might be surprised about a few of these, you'll definitely check the nutrition label twice from now on too!

Which family do apples belong to?
Most orange juice brands are usually ________ real orange juice.
Are Pringles potato chips?
What was the popular candy bar "Snickers" named after?
What's the secret behind the invention of Corn Flakes?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
When was sliced bread invented?
Strawberries are...
What do you think Castoreum is usually found it. It's anal gland secretions from a Beaver... yup, you probably eat it all the time.
Which of the following animals is NOT involved in the making of raspberry Jello?
Which of the following foods will not rot for hundreds and hundreds of years?
Which of the following waters will glow in ultraviolet light?