Test Your Mental State By Taking Our Ink Blot Test
Test Your Mental State By Taking Our Ink Blot Test
The Doctor is ready to see you now.
The Doctor is ready to see you now.

This test is simple. Look at the ink blots then tell us what you see. Feel free to move at quickly or take as much time as you'd like.
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
Finally, choose the inkblot that reflects how you feel right now.
In Your Prime
In Your Prime
Your mind is in it's prime.
You're exactly how you need to be. Your mind isn't wallowing on anything negative right now, and if it is, your subconscious does a great job of keeping it from clouding your judge.
Whichever method you used to take this test, try using that in real-life. I think it would be a great way to help you solve problems with ease.
Tell me how you feel in the comment section, I'd love to hear from you. Do you feel calm and reassured?
In Control
In Control
You, much like a remote, are in control.
It seems that there are a few things that you're struggling with in your life, but you're not letting them get you down - and that's the important part.
You are able to handle your stress in an efficient, respectful manner. It is part of the reason why the type of friends you have gravitate to you. You know how to solve a problem, and that's a talent.
I'd love to hear from you, do you feel like you're in control?
On The Edge
On The Edge
Is something bothering you?
It definitely seems like you're struggling with something. The way you answered hints towards you being stressed, bothered, or upset by something that's within your control.
You're frustrated with something and need a chance to sit back and reevaluate it. I'm sure if you give yourself that moment you'll find that what you're mulling over is actually something that's fairly easy to solve.
Total Mayhem
Total Mayhem
You're a slowly losing your marble.
You are going THROUGH something. Your mind is filled with wild, rather scary things. Are you struggling with a close friend or relative? Do you feel at home in your workplace and within your own home?
You would benefit from some time off, a week would do you wonders. You have too much on your plate, or perhaps you don't have enough on your place.
Long story short, something needs to change.