What Verb Defines You?
What Verb Defines You?
Crawl... run... jump... fly? Is that a bird, a plane... or Superman?
Crawl... run... jump... fly? Is that a bird, a plane... or Superman?

Choose a phrase that fits your mentality.
The neverending question - Beyonce or Rhianna. (And yes, it's totally relevant to these verbs)
Pick a number.
Pick a type of red.
Pick a section.
Pick a type of blue
You see someone that you don't know getting bullied by strangers, what do you do?
You see someone stealing from a store, what do you do?
Did you treat your friends differently than someone you don't know?
There are a bunch of things that are wrong and right about you - I'm going to start with the wrong.
Wrong: YOU'LL DO ANYTHING TO SURVIVE, even if it means throwing a few "squirrels" under the bus and sabotaging a few nut huts.
Right: YOU'LL DO ANYTHING TO SURVIVE, weird - right? It's that same quality that captures who you are and how you live. You won't go down without a fight.
Don't step on TOO many toes, I'm told the medical bills can be pretty expensive. Just do YOU!
I gave you a verb, but now I'll give you a few nouns - firecracker, bomb, nuclear weapon.
You are an explosion! Whatever you do you're doing it to 100%. You could be defending someone or fighting them, but you're completely putting it all on the table and you shouldn't care about what's left after (because there usually isn't anything left after to worry about).
An action film just isn't whole without you: the right-on-time explosion!
First, let me just say that Beyonce's "Listen" song was all that and a bag of kale chips - cue the shameless link if you've been living under a rock on Mars.
Now that we've covered the basics, we can talk about you. The verb that defines you is listen - most of the most powerful things any intellectual can do.
You're the type of friend that every hot head needs, you act only when it's absolutely necessary and absorb every ounce of information whenever else.
Totally espionage mastermind meets 007, I'm impressed.
While I hope to hotdog heaven that you're not dancing anywhere near the Spanish uncle moves of that man from Degrassi - you are perfectly defined by the verb dance.
You go into a place and you brighten it up! You pop up even when no one wants you to, and you're absolutely contagious when you're in a good mood. Not chicken pock contagious, I mean yawn or laughter contagious - once you're in the room people can't help but smile.
Try you best to stay above the weather, you're your best self when you're up and energetic.
And seriously, I'm not kidding, do NOT take salsa lessons from D-Money over there. He looks like he's on a fast track to some unlucky little girl's quinceanera or some creepy fiesta.
My favorite people are people like you - WHEN THEY SPEAK UP. Reveal is the best verb for you because you are unbelievably observant - you just never seem to think it's a good idea to share those observations!
You have a lot to offer. Don't keep all the things you notice to yourself, no one is going to take out a gun if you share your ideas.
Well... maybe SOMEONE might - but it'll be totally worth it!
You are as weird as they get, and I mean that in the best way possible. People don't usually think the way you do, and that is an absolutely wonderful thing.
The verb that defines you is evolve. Just when they think they have you pegged, you evolve into something completely new. When they think that they've beaten you, you pull the ace from out of your sleeve.
I love a good surprise, and there goes another pretty good verb for you - surprise~
The best part of any birthday party!