Which Billboard #1 Hit Would You Be?
Which Billboard #1 Hit Would You Be?
The summer is here and the hits are rolling! Find out which #1 Billboard musical hit fits your personality!
The summer is here and the hits are rolling! Find out which #1 Billboard musical hit fits your personality!

Pick a pattern.
You see an abandoned dog in your backyard, what do you do?
Choose a word to describe your best friend's fashion sense.
Of the following, which artist do you like the most?
What type of song would you write?
That rude so-and-so called you a bad name!
How do you respond?
Which one looks best?
How many physical fights have you gotten into?
Where would you perform first on your world tour?
The first song you wrote was a smash hit! Your producer wants you to write another one, what would be the topic?
Uptown Funk
Uptown Funk
Better bring the air freshener, because you're BOUND to funk up whatever room you go into. You're fun, fresh, and where vintage meets the metropolis!
You do you, and you do it quite well. You have something special about you that's the result of bringing a lot of old and mixing it in a beautiful way with the new. That's why you're "UpTown Funk." You have that something, that x factor, that wachacallit!
You're too fly, hot damn!
Blank Space
Blank Space
You've got a Blank Space Baby! And you wrote their names!
Blank Space is one of the innovative songs that came out of absolutely nowhere, and it's going to easily go down as one of the greatest break-up songs of all time. You are stylish, sophisticated, and the pinnacle of shabby and chic! That's why you're this song.
Your senses are attuned to understanding and appreciating the ups and downs in life. What's special about you and that you'll find a way to come out on top! This time I know it's going to be forever!
See You Again
See You Again
You're calm, cool, and collected. You have an amazing ability to understand what's around you and act accordingly.
There is a bit of mystery inside you, a hint of something refreshingly otherwordly and unfathomably interesting. That's why you're "See You Again." You may have your moments when you are quiet or seem reserved, but we both know that you have worlds to offer when you tell how you feel.
So be sure to tell them when you see them again.
Shake It Off
Shake It Off
You never miss a beat, and you're lightning on your feet! You're energetic, fun, and a ball of fresh air!
"Shake It Off" is one of the many go-get-em anthems that Ms. Swift has written, but unlike any others this song is a departure from the norm--a Pop classic from a country music star. It represents being the only swan in a room of crows. This means you're revolutionary, and that's why you're this song!
When you're as exhilarating as you are, there's bound to be a few haters. So keep being every bit of special that you are and shake the haters off like you always have!
All About That Bass
All About That Bass
We most definitely know that you're all about that bass and love every bit of it! You're the powerhouse that enters the room and lights it up with your energy, that's why you're this song.
You're kind, confident, and energetic. Just like "All About That Bass" you're the type to get stuck in someone's mind for quite some time. So don't worry, a lot of people are thinking about you and in a lot of great ways.
'Cause you're all about that bass, 'bout that bass-bass-bass!
First thing first, you're the realest. Drop your beat and let the whole world feel you!
"Fancy" is the catchy love child of rap and pop music. You are stylish, fresh, and fun! You have an eye for excitement and can be the center of attention at the drop of a dime (or a beat, most importantly).
So grab a pair of your favorite shades and go strut your fancy stuff!
Who that, who that? Y-O-O-U.
Who that, who that? Y-O-O-U.