Would You Actually Be A Good Lawyer?
Would You Actually Be A Good Lawyer?
This will test the basic knowledge, but it'll test your ability to see a lie or two as well!
This will test the basic knowledge, but it'll test your ability to see a lie or two as well!

What do you call a published statement that damages one's reputation?
Who was the first female justice on the US Supreme court?
What is the name of the classification of crime which is less serious than a felony?
In US law, a malicious act to 'intentionally' cause damage to property is called what?
Certiorari: What does the Supreme Court want?
Your neighbor moves their fence two feet over into your property. Is this illegal or not?
A person knocks you to the ground in an attempt to steal your watch. What crime is this?
A breach of your right, or a civil wrong against you is called what?
What is the legal term 'mayhem'? Oh yeah, the baby doesn't know either.
What does the term 'bailment' mean? (I know, I know.)
Larceny is a term used to describe what?
What is the improper use of your personal property that was entrusted to someone else called?
This one is going to blow your mind... only one of these laws are fake, which one is it?
Oh, it gets weirder. In what state is it legal to take roadkill home for dinner?