Are you smarter than an average 2nd grader?
Are you smarter than an average 2nd grader?
Take this quiz and find out if your not as smart, as smart, or smarter than an average 2nd grader! I hope you enjoy and please check out my other quizzes an trivia's of mine and my friends!The average 2nd grader would get at least 2 or 3 correct, if you got less than 3 you are not as smart. if you got 3 or more right, you are smarter!if you got 2 or 3 you are as smart!
Take this quiz and find out if your not as smart, as smart, or smarter than an average 2nd grader! I hope you enjoy and please check out my other quizzes an trivia's of mine and my friends!The average 2nd grader would get at least 2 or 3 correct, if you got less than 3 you are not as smart. if you got 3 or more right, you are smarter!if you got 2 or 3 you are as smart!
Created by Jbear997 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 18, 2018
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