What Ad Tech Buzzword are you?
What Ad Tech Buzzword are you?
You hear them all the time, you probably say them too. But the most important question is: Which adtech buzzword are you?
You hear them all the time, you probably say them too. But the most important question is: Which adtech buzzword are you?
You make a new friend at a party. You...
It's time to buy a new car. You...
When you were little you wanted to be a _____ when you grew up
The most important thing is...
You are DMP. As a Data Management Platform, you know everything about everybody. You remember all the little details and can spout out facts and figures at a moment's notice. Contact IgnitionOne to learn how a DMP can help your marketing!
You are Attribution. You are the friend who always connects the dots and remembers everyone's stories. Knowing the full story is very important to you. IgnitionOne's cross-channel attribution can help you view the whole conversion path for your customers.
Cross Device
Cross Device
You are Cross-Device! Log off your computer, you pick up your tablet, out the door you check your phone. You are constantly connected and it doesn't matter what device you are on to get the info you want. IgnitionOne's cross-device tracking can help you show the value of all your advertising.
You are the Cloud! You are the glue that holds your group together. Far from fluffy, you find yourself in the center of things. IgnitionOne's Digital Marketing Suite is a fully integrated Marketing Cloud solution to bring together all your point solutions.