¡Descubre si eres una persona MORAL o no!
¡Descubre si eres una persona MORAL o no!
¿Qué tipo de moralidad tienes? ¿Eres una persona ética? ¿Pones a todas las personas en el mismo nivel moral? Ponte a prueba con este examen ¡y sorpréndete!
¿Qué tipo de moralidad tienes? ¿Eres una persona ética? ¿Pones a todas las personas en el mismo nivel moral? Ponte a prueba con este examen ¡y sorpréndete!

¿Consideras que eres una persona moral? Mídete a ti mismo en la escala:
Baso mis decisiones morales en la Biblia.
Pienso que las personas que lastiman a otros, merecen recibir el mismo castigo.
Quebrar la ley, bajo cualquier circunstancia, siempre es inmoral.
Ser infiel siempre es inmoral.
No existen culturas barbáricas, sólo existen culturas diferentes.
Es inaceptable tener sexo en una primera cita.
Hacer tu trabajo a medias, aunque nadie se dé cuenta, siempre es indebido.
La venganza es a veces necesaria.
Los principios morales son universales.
La orientación sexual no se elije.
Es imposible ser una persona moral, sin creer en Dios.
La decisión que lleva a la felicidad, es siempre la decisión moral.
La eutanasia puede ser una opción médica y ética.
La justicia es ciega.
Tienes una moral relativista: depende de cada ocasión
Tienes una moral relativista: depende de cada ocasión
You're a moral relativist! Moral relativism is the view that moral judgments are true or false only relative to some particular standpoint (for instance, that of a certain culture or a historical period) and that no standpoint is uniquely privileged over all others. This means that you put moral and ethical decisions in their context and you don't hold everyone to the same standard. You believe that morality and ethics are essentially subjective, varying from culture to culture. You're suspicious of attempts to hold all humans from all times to one moral standard and you pay close attention to the outside factors that cause people to make the moral choices that they do. You're educated, tolerant and openminded.
Tienes una moral "divina", es decir, está sujeta a valores superiores al hombre
Tienes una moral "divina", es decir, está sujeta a valores superiores al hombre
You believe in divine morality! Divine morality states that God is the ultimate arbiter of what's right or wrong, and that without God we have no clear way of knowing how to make ethical decisions. You believe a moral life is to act in accordance with Scripture and you try very hard to live up to this standard. You're traditional, spiritual and have a deep faith. Your trust in God or a higher power has helped you in the most difficult times in your life an motivated you to do many good things. Your morality is guided by a heavenly hand!
Para ti, todo es blanco o negro
Para ti, todo es blanco o negro
You're a black and white moralist. Straightforward and no nonsense, your morality is clear and universal. You believe that there's objective right and wrong, regardless of any external circumstances such as culture or history. You understand people are different, but you see morality as a black and white issue, with little to no grey areas. You have the same moral standard for everyone and you tend to believe that unethical decisions must have negative consequences even if they were made with good intentions. You strive to be moral and you're incredibly loyal!
Tienes una moral que la utilizas según cómo te beneficie
Tienes una moral que la utilizas según cómo te beneficie
You'r a moral utilitarian! Utilitarianism is the theory that holds that the best way to make a moral decision is to look at the potential consequences of each available choice, and then pick the option that will increase happiness and prevent suffering. In other words, the decision that feels the best and makes you happy is always the moral choice. Utilitarianism is often summed up as a philosophy of "the greatest good for the greatest number." This means that you make moral decisions based on what works the best for the greatest number of people involved. This type of morality allows people to compromise and find solutions! This makes you a natural born diplomat and problem solver!