Are You Literally A "Romeo & Juliet" Words Expert?
Are You Literally A "Romeo & Juliet" Words Expert?
Do you know the 31 most famous words from this Shakespeare masterpiece?
Do you know the 31 most famous words from this Shakespeare masterpiece?

defy (v.)
ado (n.)
advance (v.)
avise (v.)
aloof (adv.)
baleful (adj.)
bare (adj.)
beggarly (adj.)
betossed (adj.)
bid (v.)
bosom (n.)
by and by (adv.)
fain (adv.)
forsooth (adv.)
gape (v.)
ghostly (adj.)
hag (n.)
heavy (adj.)
husband-friend (n.)
list (v.)
mammet (n.)
man of wax (adj.)
morrow (n.)
orison (n.)
pox (n.)
Presage (v.)
rail (v.)
woe (n.)
simple (adj.)
wench (n.)
yesternight (n.)
100% Shakespearean words master
100% Shakespearean words master
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
You literally are a word expert and your rich vocabulary is enviable. You are creative, intelligent, sensitive, observant and probably love to read. You read books, poems and just anything that takes your imagination to another level and makes you learn new things! Marvelous!!
Uh oh! Fie on you!
Uh oh! Fie on you!
Whoops, you don't really remember all the famous words from "Romeo & Juliet" but good news is...
The really good new is that your consolation prize is a kiss from Paul Rudd. We can definitely live with that.