What Is The True Color Of Your Rage?
What Is The True Color Of Your Rage?
This definitive test will reveal the color-psychology behind your anger.
This definitive test will reveal the color-psychology behind your anger.

How often are you angry?
Which of the following would make you more angry?
What's your physical reaction when you're angry?
Choose the music genre that most suits your personality.
Have you ever embarrassed yourself when angry?
Turn the other cheek or hit them back?
When very upset, what's your go-to coping mechanism?
Pick a celebrity anger outburst!
Red is the color of your rage! You're passionate, sensual and adventurous. You don't bottle your feelings and when your anger comes out, it's fierce! You say what's on your mind and you're not about to start apologizing. When something isn't right, you speak up and when there's an injustice, you make your voice heard. When someone crosses you, they quickly rue the day that they decided to mess with you! Just like your love, your anger is intense and all-consuming, making you a fascinating and dynamic personality! Choose your battles because your rage can move mountains - literally!
Blue is the color of your rage! You're sensitive, deeply emotional and crave balance and harmony in life. Your drive for peace tempers your anger and often leads to you bottling your feelings. You often turn to artistic pursuits, such as writing, painting, or designing to release your more frustrated emotions. You're a beautiful soul with deep compassion for the world but your emotions often run a bit too deep. Your anger rears its head most when your feelings have been disregarded or mocked. Your anger is blue like the sea! How deep is your ocean of anger? Let us know!
Green is the color of your rage! You're calm, down to earth, naturally balanced and rarely get angry. Your anger, however, is often productive, rather than destructive, and drives you to new accomplishments. Your anger is natural and usually balanced. You don't bottle your feelings but you don't go over the top and explode either. You've found a healthy medium which is quite rare. Give yourself a pat on the pack, because you've obviously been through a great deal to bring you to this healthy, green balance!
White is the color of your rage! Your anger is righteous. You're a highly evolved soul from a higher plane. Your emotions are pure and your anger only rears its head when there's a profound injustice. Your anger is always in pursuit of the common good and justice. You believe deeply in fairness and when things aren't right you'll turn the world upside down to make things the way they should be, but when it comes to the little annoyances of life you just can't be bothered! You're a noble person with a strong spiritual side - whether you realize it or not! Keep it up because this world needs you!
Brown is the color of your rage! You're grounded, practical, industrious and reliable. Your anger is stubborn, deeply rooted and heavy. When you're upset, it feels like a ton of bricks have come crashing down. You hold yourself and those around you to high standards, which often sets you up for unpleasant disappointment. You're a builder at heart and your anger often motivates you to start new projects and endeavours. You're naturally a winner and success comes to you with hard work. Use your anger to build new and broader horizons, because you're meant to soar far above the rest of us!
Purple is the color of your rage! You're popular, beautiful, a natural performer and down right irresistible! You're the center of attention and in a past life we're pretty sure that you were royalty. You're just regal, there's no other way to put it! Your anger is most frequently expressed when your ego has been bruised or your accomplishments go unrecognized. When you enter the club, you expect all eyes on YOU! If they're not, you're apt to be furious. At the end of the day, however, you anger is harmless and your natural grace always conquers even the coldest of hearts. You're a beautiful swan, never forget it!
Yellow is the color of your rage! You're naturally happy, cute, relaxed, bubbly and cheerful. You can turn any frown upside down and your natural beauty always shines through. Your anger is fundamentally childish, and even a bit playful. You don't hold grudges and your anger is more like feathers than bullets. You just can't help it! Even when you're deeply upset, you always see the best in people and you never miss an opportunity to find common ground. You're a natural peace maker with a knack for bringing light to even the darkest of situations. Keep it up, we all need your shine!