Are you the right side of posh?
Are you the right side of posh?
There's a point where it becomes more sinister than classy
There's a point where it becomes more sinister than classy
Let's start with your childhood, where did you go to school?
How did your family make its money?
Where did you get rejected from?
And where did you end up going?
What's your statement piece of jewellery?
You're going out tonight, it's a house night of course. What is your vibe?
It's the summer holidays, you've finished your exams, what are you doing for the next 4 months?
Where is your family's second home?
You're at the country house, someone suggests a bracing walk before the Sunday roast, what coat do you throw on?
Someone hands you a pheasant on the walk, what do you do?
You've finished dinner. Everyone is relaxing, the room is a normal temperature, what colour are your cheeks?
What are you going to do when you graduate?
Do you think you're on the right side of posh?
You're too bloody posh
You're too bloody posh
You are the reason why people don't like or trust the Establishment. There's a strong chance you are related to a member of the House of Lords. Your siggie ring is as embedded in your persona as your sense of unending privilege. You've never know hardship and as a result you don't understand the poor, the sick, the weak or the non-Oxbridge educated. But don't worry, you'll be in the corridors of power before you're 30.
You my friend, are living a little bit close to the edge
You my friend, are living a little bit close to the edge
You're so close to being a normal person, so so close. Sure you're slightly newer slightly more grounded, but the majority of people can't really tell that from being around you. If you were in the Bullingdon club, you probably wouldn't have burned the £50 note in front of the homeless person, but you wouldn't have stopped the others. Once you graduate from the just-under Oxbridge uni you attended, you'll do just fine and end up living somewhere Yuppie and unfriendly like Richmond.
Congratulations, you're just the right amount of posh
Congratulations, you're just the right amount of posh
You are a posho of the people. Leeds, Bristol, Manchester or Newcastle was lucky to have you. Sure, you've had more Veuve than the average person, but you also know what the Spoons curry club is. You're grounded enough to have worked a shit job in your teens but moneyed enough to have very specific, backed-up opinions about your favourite Alpine ski resort. Instead of a brand-new Mini-Fiat 500, you got one that was a couple of years old, not because your parents couldn't afford it, but because they wanted to teach you a lesson about the value of money. Life is a balancing act, and you've got it nailed.
You are by no means what anyone would call posh
You are by no means what anyone would call posh
Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, Jeremy Kyle, Lambrini. At some point in your life you have indulged in and enjoyed all of these things. It may have been ironically as a fresher, it may have been a core part of your distinctly regional upbringing. You're salt of the earth. A real normal person. University may have included an experience where you dipped a toe into the world of poshdom, but you still watch Made in Chelsea with a stunned incredulity instead of a warm familiarity. You will receive a BA from a non-russell group uni.