Accountability Level
Accountability Level
How many indicators use scores at the “Approaches” performance level in Closing the Gaps
in some way for a high school?
I know the difference between “component scores” and “scale scores”.
At a dinner party you hear someone say, “My district is a B which I don’t understand because
the elementary is a D. How can that be?” Would you be able to explain this difference to them?
The only graduation rate that is used in accountability is the 4 year rate.
You are on a quiz show and you have 15 seconds to identify the meaning of the PEIMS leaver
codes: 01, 60, 16, 82 and 24. Would you make it in time?
If asked, you would be able to explain a campus’ rating to school board members.
Distinction Designations are awarded to any school that is in the top quartile of their
comparison group.
Which is a difference between School Progress Domain Part A and Part B?
If a student demonstrates more than one way to be “College, Career and Military Ready”, the
campus/district will earn extra points.
The labels “Comprehensive” and “Targeted” are applied to campuses only.
My previous work in the area of accountability could best be defined as:
How do you feel about data analysis?
Which Hogwarts' house would be in charge of accountability?
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Which Accountability Level Are You