Can You Complete The Intermediate Math Challenge?
Can You Complete The Intermediate Math Challenge?
As pupils across the country complete the Intermediate Maths Challenge, we take a look at some past questions.
As pupils across the country complete the Intermediate Maths Challenge, we take a look at some past questions.

In a certain year, there were exactly four Tuesdays and exactly four Fridays in October. On what day of the week did Halloween, October 31st, fall that year?
The square of a non-zero number is equal to 70 per cent of the original number. What is the original number?
The mean of a sequence of 64 numbers is 64. The mean of the first 36 numbers is 36. What is the mean of the last 28 numbers?
Joseph's flock has 55 per cent more sheep than goats. What is the ratio of goats to sheep in the
Fussy Fiona wants to buy a new house but she doesn't like house numbers that are divisible
by 3 or by 5. If all the houses numbered between 100 and 150 inclusive are for sale, how many houses can she choose from?
There are lots of ways of choosing three dots from this 4 by 4 array. How many triples of points are there where all three lie on a straight line (not necessarily equally spaced)?
“You eat more than I do,” said Tweedledee to Tweedledum.
“That is not true,” said Tweedledum to Tweedledee.
“You are both wrong,” said Alice, to them both.
“You are right,” said the White Rabbit to Alice.
How many of the four statements were true?
What is the value of 4.5 × 5.5 + 4.5 × 4.5?
A shop advertised “Everything half price in our sale”, but also now advertises that there is “An additional 15 per cent off sale prices”. Overall, this is equivalent to what reduction on the original prices?
Seb has been challenged to place the numbers 1 to 9 inclusive in the nine regions formed by the Olympic rings so that there is exactly one number in each region and the sum of the numbers in each ring is 11. The diagram shows part of his solution. What number goes in the region marked * ?