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What kind of cat lady are you?

One cat? Two cats? Three cats? Four? Don't be afraid to face the truth. Take this quiz for an honest assessment of how healthy your love for cats really is.

Journey McGuire
Created by Journey McGuire (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 9, 2016

How many cats do you have?

Have you ever dressed your cat up when it wasn't Halloween? Tell the truth.

How many times a day do you kiss your cat?

Would you ever date a man who didn't like cats?

Does your cat have a middle name?

Which cat name most appeals to you?

Do you own at least one cat sweater?

How does this image make you feel?

Your boyfriend says, "It's me or the cat!"

And finally, do you like to smell your cat's fur or breath?

Functional Cat Lady

Functional Cat Lady

Congratulations! Your love for cats doesn't interfere with you having a normal, functional life. You aren't setting off any red flags to the opposite sex and chances are, you have a pretty happy cat. You're able to maintain healthy human relationships and enjoy the companionship of an animal at the same time. No one can call you crazy, cat lady!

Slippery Slope Cat Lady

Slippery Slope Cat Lady

Caution, Slippery Slope gal! While you haven't gone over the edge quite yet, you're just one breakup away from cat sweater city. You aren't so far gone that you can't still have sex with a normal man or have meaningful relationships with humans, but your intense love for cats is putting you at risk nonetheless. Still, you could be crazier, so that's an accomplishment in itself!

Pretty Damn Crazy Cat Lady

Pretty Damn Crazy Cat Lady

Lady, you're crazy as a bed bug. Your love for cats likely interferes with your human relationships, if you like people enough to have relationships, that is. Your cats are what people associate you with most and they're all you talk about. This is why you probably won't ever have sex again and why most people don't make eye contact with you. But who needs that!

Coo coo for Cocoa Puffs Cat Lady

Coo coo for Cocoa Puffs Cat Lady

You've lost your ever loving mind. The chances of you ever having sex again are zero and the only friend you have left is imaginary. There's a good possibility that you'll either go to jail for cat hoarding or the cats will eat you alive while you sleep. You could knit a sweater with the cat hair on your couch. You're beyond help sister.

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