The Ultimate 80s Kids Cartoon Quiz
The Ultimate 80s Kids Cartoon Quiz
Can You Get a perfect score with our Ultimate 1980s Kids Cartoons Quiz. Have a go at answering these 20 questions, you may want to swat up at the following before having a go -
Good Luck!
Can You Get a perfect score with our Ultimate 1980s Kids Cartoons Quiz. Have a go at answering these 20 questions, you may want to swat up at the following before having a go -
Good Luck!

Can You Guess the Name of This Show?
Do You Know the Name of This Sidekick Character?
What Year was the Transformers Animated Movie Released?
What Was the Name of He-Man's Cat Called?
In The Raccoons What Was the Name of Cyril Sneer's Son?
Name This Evil Dude from Dungeons & Dragons
What Was the Name of Jayce's Team in Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors?
What Planet Were The Thundercats Originally From?
Who is This?
.... and what was the Cartoon?
What Was the Name of He-Man's True Identity?
In Transformers, Who is Leader of the Decepticons?
...and what planet did they come from?
Which One is Dungeon Master?
Which Ghostbuster is This?
What Was So Good About the Suits of Armour in Visionaries?
Which Ninja Turtle is This?
Which of These is Bravestarr's Horse
What was the Name of Jem's Band
What Was the Name of Lion-O's Sword