What Shoes Will You Be Wearing During The Zombie Apocalypse?
What Shoes Will You Be Wearing During The Zombie Apocalypse?
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. But can you conquer the zombies?
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. But can you conquer the zombies?
Pick a continent to live on for one year:
Which Voodoo Doll creeps you out the most?
How does this bumper sticker make you feel?
Have you ever seen a Zombie film?
Which vacation sounds most appealing?
How does the idea of the Zombie Apocalypse make you feel?
What do you think is the best hiding place for when the Zombies attack?
How would you react to the zombies?
No shoes for you! You're ready to face the zombies head-on and fight til the last moment. Being barefoot may have its advantages, because you'll be able to maneuver silently among the rubble.
You'll be lookin' pretty fly when the zombies invade. Unfortunately stilettos aren't the easiest shoes to run in, but at least you can defend yourself with the sharp heels!
Strappy Homemade Sandals
Strappy Homemade Sandals
You're resourceful and well prepared for the zombie invasion. Zombies are relentless, but you have a good shot at surviving based on your cleverness and knack for innovation.
Athletic Shoes
Athletic Shoes
You're practical and realistic, which is reflected in your choice of zombie apocalypse footwear. Unfortunately, just cause you can run and hide doesn't necessarily mean you're safe!
You're way ahead of the game. By the time zombies attack, you'll probably have relocated to another planet! Way to be futuristic and proactive.
Flip Flops
Flip Flops
There's a good chance you'll be chilling on the beach when the zombies attack. Maybe you'll put up a little fight, but you're satisfied with life and live every day to the fullest, so when the zombies take over you'll probably just go with the flow.