Which U.S. President Would Actually Be Your Ideal Husband?
Which U.S. President Would Actually Be Your Ideal Husband?
Cause who doesn't love a man in charge?
Cause who doesn't love a man in charge?
Where will (or did) you meet the love of your life?
What's the best part of being married to the President?
Which political word resonates with you?
Which romantic gesture would win your heart?
Choose a must-have trait for a guy:
At the beginning of a relationship you:
Which presidential nickname gets you goin'?
What period of American history would you want to live in?
George Washington
George Washington
Georgie is the OG president. You like a man who marches to the beat of his own drum and isn't afraid to stray from the beaten path. In the case of GW, he made some major headway as the first president of the United States and set the groundwork for his successors. At 6 foot 3.5 inches, George had a commanding presence and is def tall enough for you to wear heels. Though Mr. Washington is arguably one of the most well-known and influential presidents of all time, he remained humble and studious. It's said that George would often read to Martha - how cute!
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
People may call you a gold-digger, but money's not the real reason you're after this striking fellow. In addition to being from one of America's most prominent family's, JFK was about as charming and witty as it gets. You go for a man who knows how to carry a conversation and makes the hours you spend together seem like seconds. Kennedy had the rare, charismatic ability to convey deep emotions whether speaking to a large crowd or one on one. You also like a man who fights for you and supports you no matter what. JFK and his competitive personality would treat you like the queen that you are!
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Long and lanky; a little awkward, but in a cute way; wicked smart; knows how to party and have a good time. What you just read describes both your ideal husband and Abraham Lincoln. Good ol' Abe was quite the powerhouse president, but outside of work he had loads of friends. Maybe it was because he was the only U.S. president who was a licensed bartender, and he owned his own saloon - so basically he knew how to throw down. Being married to Abe would most definitely be a wild ride!
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford
They say looks fade, but you still believe in the power of physical attraction. You go for strapping young men, which is exactly why Gerald is your guy: before running the United State of America, he was a college football player and a cover model for Cosmopolitan magazine! Ford also worked at Yellowstone National Park, so he's obviously rugged and adventurous AF. On top of all that, Ford was known to have exceptional character and integrity, both traits that are very your type. Basically, Ford sounds like the ideal husband, so go get 'em!
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman
You believe in love the old-fashioned way: finding your soul mate at a young age and embarking on a life-long journey of courtship and affection. Harry met his wife, Bess, in Sunday school when he was just 5 years old. You, like Bess, know how to play hard to get (she rejected him for a while before finally giving in) and hold out for the persistent types who earn your love and devotion. Truman is one with words, writing love notes with whimsical phrases like "I suppose that I am too crazy about you anyway. Every time I see you I get more so if it is possible." *swoon*
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Fun fact #1: There is nothing more loveable than a teddy bear.
Fun fact #2: The teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt!
TR was perhaps the most loving president, once saying of his wife, "I think all the time of my little laughing, teasing beauty, and how pretty she is, and how she goes to sleep in my arms, and I could almost cry I love you so." Your ideal man treats you like a princess in the most gentle, caring, and warm manner. Though running the U.S. was a pretty hefty task, Teddy's girl was everything to him. TR would sometimes take his wife on long row-boat rides on his boat that he named after her. You like a guy who always has you on his mind, and Theodore is just the one!