Which inanimate object are you?

Julia Fedoruk
Created by Julia Fedoruk (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 21, 2019
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You bring soft light to those around you, although if someone tries to attack you, you can burn them with your bulb. You need a constant source of energy to maintain your happy energy, and will sometimes flicker when your connection is severed.

Soccer Ball

Soccer Ball

You are a ball of energy, although without the proper kick you tend to lay stagnant. You are more of a follower than a leader, as you will roll down a hill when met with it. You love the sweet smack of net against goal as you blast through your challenges. You bring others together to compete, love, and hate each other.



You are sweet and bring joy and flavor to the life of the people around you. You have a very open mind and can grow almost anywhere. However, you are easily bruised and don't let go of it easily. Your seed is unique, and no one can possibly guess what you will grow up into.



You are bound to an algorithm of life. You meet people, are friendly with them, but it is hard for you to make true friends. Your guiding principals in life are logic and learning. You become confused when too many people push your buttons and must withdraw into yourself.



You live to be close to others. Without them, you feel empty and cold, but working together you can create a toasty warmth which benefits both of you. You shield those who are close to you with your beautiful heat. You are a hopeless romantic, and love the warmth of others's arms around you.

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