How Energy Aware are You?
How Energy Aware are You?
Learn how you rank on energy efficiency. Are you a "Light Nazi"? Or did you grow up in a barn?
Learn how you rank on energy efficiency. Are you a "Light Nazi"? Or did you grow up in a barn?
How often do you turn off the lights when you leave a room?
Do you use the heat dry option on your dishwasher?
How many of your appliances are ENERGY STAR rated?
What temperature do you set your home thermostat in the winter?
What kind of car do you drive?
How old are the windows in your home?
Do you purchase RECs?
Do you recycle?
What temperature water do you use for your laundry?
Off the Grid
Off the Grid
We are pretty sure you live in a solar-powered house and collect rain water. Congratulations! You are #netzero at its finest!
Light Nazi
Light Nazi
Turn those lights off! Why is that so hard for you to remember?
Energy Aware
Energy Aware
You live in a 60 year old house, what are you supposed to do? Fix those leaky windows, that's what!
Energy Deficient
Energy Deficient
What are you talking about? I just pay the bill.
Born in a Barn
Born in a Barn
It'll be ok. I mean the animals outside need some cool air too ya know.