Which Stranger Things Character Are You?

Are you a Mike or an Eleven? Nancy or Steve? Take our Stranger Things personality quiz to find out!

Jump Scare TV
Created by Jump Scare TV (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 7, 2016

What would you rather do on a Saturday night?

Where would you prefer to live?

Pick your favourite board game

Pick a drink

Whats your favourite type of music?

Pick your favourite season

Pick a food

Pick a decade

Pick a movie genre

Pick a colour

Jonathan Byers

Jonathan Byers

You try to be a role model for others around you. Although you tend to be anti-social, you will make time for the right people. You have a soft side but aren't afraid to stand up for what's right!

Mike Wheeler

Mike Wheeler

You have your close circle of friends, but in other groups you don't feel comfortable. You haven't experienced a lot of things, but you know what you like and wouldn't change a thing.

Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

You're sure of yourself, even though sometimes you get stuck with the wrong crowd. You like to party and sometimes get yourself into trouble, but deep down you're a good person.

Nancy Wheeler

Nancy Wheeler

You're easily persuaded but will always do the right thing eventually. You're hungry for all the world has to offer and have big dreams!



You aren't quite sure where you fit in at the moment, but care for those around you and will die to protect them. People sometimes find you a little bit intimidating because of your potential

Joyce Byers

Joyce Byers

You're world-weary after experiencing and seeing so many bad things, but you know you'll get through it in the end. You don't trust many people, but you'd go to the ends of the earth for those you love.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021