How Well Do You Know The Princess and The Frog?

Trivia about the Disney movie The Princess and The Frog

Junia Sonier
Created by Junia Sonier(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 8, 2016
1 / 24

What happened to Lawrence after he shook Dr. Facilier's hand?

2 / 24

What was Lottie's cat dressed as?

3 / 24

Why did Reggie, Darnell, and Two Fingers try to catch Tiana and Prince Naveen as frogs?

4 / 24

Why did Louis want to go see Mama Odie?

5 / 24

What was Lottie a princess of?

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What is Lottie's daddy name?

7 / 24

How did the Shadow Man kill Ray?

8 / 24

What else did they call Dr. Facilier?

9 / 24

What instrument does Louis play?

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What are Tiana's parents names?

11 / 24

How many jobs did Tiana have before she met Prince Naveen?

12 / 24

How did Tiana and Prince Naveen get tangled?

13 / 24

Where did The Princess and The Frog take place?

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What happened when Tiana wished on a star?

15 / 24

What happened when Prince Naveen shook Dr. Facilier's hand?

16 / 24

Where is Ray taking Tiana and Prince Naveen?

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What was Tiana's wish?

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Who preformed the first wedding of Tiana and Prince Naveen in the bayou when they were frogs?

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How did Tiana scare Reggie, Darnell, and Two Fingers away?

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What happened when Tiana kisses the frog?

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What did both Tiana and Lottie hit Prince Naveen with when he talked to them as a frog?

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What happened when Prince Naveen kissed Tiana after they were married?

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What is Tiana's best friends name?

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Where is Prince Naveen from?

Questions left
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