How Well Do You Know The Princess and The Frog?
How Well Do You Know The Princess and The Frog?
Trivia about the Disney movie The Princess and The Frog
Trivia about the Disney movie The Princess and The Frog
What happened to Lawrence after he shook Dr. Facilier's hand?
What was Lottie's cat dressed as?
Why did Reggie, Darnell, and Two Fingers try to catch Tiana and Prince Naveen as frogs?
Why did Louis want to go see Mama Odie?
What was Lottie a princess of?
What is Lottie's daddy name?
How did the Shadow Man kill Ray?
What else did they call Dr. Facilier?
What instrument does Louis play?
What are Tiana's parents names?
How many jobs did Tiana have before she met Prince Naveen?
How did Tiana and Prince Naveen get tangled?
Where did The Princess and The Frog take place?
What happened when Tiana wished on a star?
What happened when Prince Naveen shook Dr. Facilier's hand?
Where is Ray taking Tiana and Prince Naveen?
What was Tiana's wish?
Who preformed the first wedding of Tiana and Prince Naveen in the bayou when they were frogs?
How did Tiana scare Reggie, Darnell, and Two Fingers away?
What happened when Tiana kisses the frog?
What did both Tiana and Lottie hit Prince Naveen with when he talked to them as a frog?
What happened when Prince Naveen kissed Tiana after they were married?
What is Tiana's best friends name?
Where is Prince Naveen from?