Which Game Of Thrones House Should You Swear Fealty To?
Which Game Of Thrones House Should You Swear Fealty To?
They're all spokes on a wheel... which spoke would you be most comfortable supporting?
They're all spokes on a wheel... which spoke would you be most comfortable supporting?

Your co-worker can't make it to work on time, and asks you to cover for him/her. What do you do?
There's a homeless man on the side of the road asking for money.
You're playing a game of Risk with a friend, and they get up to use the bathroom. Do you move any of the pieces, or take a card while they're gone?
You have a choice: Kill one person you love with your bare hands, or a thousand will die somewhere else in the world.
What do you do?
You see someone stealing a wallet. They offer to give you half of the money if you don't turn them in.
What do you do?
You're ordering pizza.
What are your toppings?
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Pick a color:
House Stark
House Stark
You should swear fealty to House Stark.
They might be hard, dour, and stubborn... but they're also loyal, courageous, and honorable to a fault.
If you can handle the cold snows, then you'll fit in just fine. Keep in mind: Winter is Coming... and the North Remembers.
House Baratheon
House Baratheon
You should swear fealty to House Baratheon.
Theirs is the fury! Never underestimate the might of this brave house, as they are used to the storms and harsh winds. After overthrowing the Targaryen dynasty, the Baratheons are now the rightful claimants of the Iron Throne.
If you value justice above all else, you'll fit in just fine.
House Lannister
House Lannister
You should swear fealty to House Lannister.
They always pay their debts, not only to those who remain true, but also to those who are foolish enough not to. The Lannisters are wealthy and influential beyond compare, making them the most formidable house in the Seven Kingdoms.
So strike up the beat to the Rains of Castamere and be prepared to hear the lions roar... hopefully in the direction of your enemies.
House Tyrell
House Tyrell
You should swear fealty to House Tyrell.
They're cunning, sophisticated, and live in the most hospitable place in Westeros. The Tyrell's might seem soft and beautiful, like a rose, but there are thorns hidden beneath.
If you're patient and wise, then you'll be just fine with House Tyrell, continuing to grow strong.
House Martell
House Martell
You should swear fealty to House Martell.
No house is more liberal and tolerant, and no house is more vengeful and deadly when crossed. The Martell's passions run deep, for better and for worse. And they are, always: Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken.
If you can handle the intensity, then you can keep warm in Dorne with this house.
House Targaryen
House Targaryen
You should swear fealty to House Targaryen.
Yes, they may no longer be in power as they once were, but there is an ancient magic to House Targaryen which makes the strong. It was they who few Dragons in old Valyria. It was they who conquered the Seven Kingdoms and united them under the Iron Throne. It is they who can be victorious again, with the help of destiny.
If you believe in the power of fire and blood, it's a safe house to place your bets on.
House Greyjoy
House Greyjoy
You should sear fealty to House Greyjoy.
Like the Greyjoys, you believe every man or woman should make their own way. No groveling before a king, no toiling in the fields. The ironborn do not sow. They take what it theirs, paying the iron price.
If you can fight for what's yours like a true warrior, then the Greyjoy's are where you should place your loyalty.
House Bolton
House Bolton
You should swear fealty to House Bolton.
Never underestimate the underdog. After serving under House Stark for hundreds of years, they finally saw their chance and took it. Honor and Loyalty are for the weak and foolish. Violence is what keeps the peace. Terror is what makes the world turn.
If you see the world for what it is, and can keep with the order of things, then House Bolton is the right choice for you.