Would you survive an alien invasion?
Would you survive an alien invasion?
Find out if you would survive an alien invasion or not.
Find out if you would survive an alien invasion or not.
Created by ShadowGamer13 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 11, 2015
If an alien came to your house what would you do?
Choose your weapon
So the alien invasion happened what would you do first?
Would you eat canned dog/cat food if you were starving
Could you hunt for your dinner?
Would you be a loner or in a group?
What is your favorite food?
Are you a introvert or an extrovert?
Do you scream a lot?
Are you a fast runner?
No, you died
No, you died
You didn't make it and you didn't last long either.
Yes! You are a survivor
Yes! You are a survivor
You are a survivor!! You have seen it all and lived. You are the master.
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