What Pretty Little Liars character are you
What Pretty Little Liars character are you
Take this quiz to find out which of the girls you are
Take this quiz to find out which of the girls you are

What word describes you?
What activity do you like?
What do you do in your free time?
Where do you like to hangout?
What color are your eyes?
What are you like in school?
You got Hanna. She is a sweet person, if you are on her good side. She stands up for her friends and isn't going to let A ruin her life.
You got Spencer. She is a smart cookie who always wants to be number one, but she has to accept the fact that its not always going to happen. Even when she is in her darkest days she always gets brought back up by the help of her friends.
You got Aria. She is a free spirit who does whatever she wants. She's not afraid to have a little fun here and there when going through hard times. She always brings a good sense of humor to the table.
You got Emily. She is sweet person who puts others before herself. She is not afraid to do whatever it takes to help out her friends.
You got Alison. She is a sassy girl who always gets what she wants. She won't let A stand in her way, and she is determined to find out who is doing this.