What fantasy class are you?

A quiz to determine what class you are! Eight classes and seven questions.

Kamran Gasimov
Created by Kamran Gasimov(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 12, 2016

A dragon is attacking a village, leaving it's treasure unguarded. What do you do?

What is your weapon of choice?

Do you adventure alone or in parties?

Are you good, or evil?

If you use magic, what magic do you use?

What's the most important for you in a battle?

What class would you like to be?
(This has no effect on the end result)



You are a ranger.
Rangers are masters in using the bow, but are also skilled in using melee weapons. They are experts at hiding in forests, and also at setting ambushes. They don't use much magic, only sometimes enhancing their movement or weapons, or they use magic from nature, like poisoning their weapons.



You are a warrior.
Warriors are professionals in handeling the blade. They can also put any other weapon like an axe or spear to good use. They are most seen in the front lines, taking and dealing out hits. They use almost no magic, but some enchant their weapons.



You are a rogue.
Rogues are very skilled in thiefing, assassinating and stealth. They can't be spotted, except when it is already too late. Many rogues are also bounty hunters and assassins, having a natural lust for money. They use magic to make them even more unfindable, like turning into shadows, or turning invisible.



You are a wizards.
The only goal of a wizard is to master the art of magic. They can use almost any kind of magic, from summoning a meteor to turning you into a frog.



You are a paladin.
Paladins are knights who strictly fight for good. They must protect those who can't protect themselves, and slay all evil. They use a weapon and divine magic to achieve this goal. Some paladins who don't follow these rules, turn into the exact opposite: Antipaladins or Death Knights.



You are a cleric/healer.
Clerics/healers are a type of magic-users who only posess power over divine magic. They can turn undead, heal wounds and even revive dead persons.



You are a druid/beastmaster.
Druids/Beastmaster use their magic to protect the forests they live in. They can grow trees, tame animals almost instantly, and even summon golems or ents. Mighty druids/beastmasters have an animal form that they can turn into.



You are a necromancer.
Necromancers are evil mages who use their magic to create undead to fight for them. They can revive killed enemies to fight for them, as undead creatures like skeletons, zombies and even liches. Every single necromancer is evil, whether they fight against it or embrace it.

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