How Much Do You Remember About SM:tv Live?
How Much Do You Remember About SM:tv Live?
"No-one told you comedy could ever be so lame..."
"No-one told you comedy could ever be so lame..."

SM:tv Live was first broadcast in which year?
Who presented SM:tv Live together with Ant and Dec?
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Name the sketch:
Which of the following shows were not part of SM:tv Live?
"It's Gotta Rhyme!" was the catchphrase for which SM:tv Live game?
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Who is Bryan?
Why were fans left shocked on April 1st, 2000?
True or False: Cat the Dog's full name was Catherine Noddy Slade Deeley.
Who was Cat the Dog's bestest ever ever friend?
What was the name of the man with the brown paper bag over his head?
Name the sketch:
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Can you guess the answer?
What was the name of the music show that followed directly after SM:tv Live?
Which of the following celebrities did not appear on SM:tv Live?
Do Cat and Dec ever manage an uninterrupted kiss?
In which year did Ant and Dec leave SM:tv Live?