Which Oregon State University Fraternity Would You Be In?

**Intended for girls AKA if you weren't in a sorority and could be in a fraternity, which would you be in? Also don't get offended. It was made for fun and I didn't think people would take it. Go Beavs.**

Created by K (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your spirit animal?

What's your favorite song/type of music?

What are your thoughts on sing?

How much do you drink on a typical weekend in Corvallis?

Pick your poison

What's your GPA?

What is your Major?

What's your favorite TV series?

Favorite Place to Shop

What's your favorite late night place on Monroe?

How many people have you hooked up with?

What's your favorite Greek Life event?

Who is your favorite sorority?

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

You got SAE! You probably love lions and are all around a pretty diverse person. You get along with anyone and could probably be in any of these houses. Even though you don't participate in SING, you can be sure to catch yourself at Relay for Life...WINNING and other philanthropic events. You love to party but are little shy, but that doesn't stop you from being one of the friendliest people on this campus and knowing so many people. I mean, who doesn't love the house with the coolest house dances?!. RARA SAE PHI ALPHA!

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Ahh, the smart yet charming. Every aspect of your life is probably about winning and being the best! Sig Ep's are some of the nicest guys on campus, but rare to catch.

Sigma Chi

Sigma Chi

Fer sure! You're a Sigma Chi. In hoc. Ohhh, we all love Sigma Chi. Don't worry, you don't need to go to church yet for getting Sigma Chi! This means you're overall a great time and fun to be around! College is a strong aspect of your life in scholastics and partying 101. You're probably hot AF too.

Phi Delta Theta

Phi Delta Theta

The beloved Phi Delt. You're super chill and love philanthropies. You also know how to have a good time. If you're not in class, you're probably enjoying the sun or just chillin' with your bros on the average day.

Lambda Chi Alpha

Lambda Chi Alpha

The best of the best? Ay, they live 30 blocks away from everyone else, but they know how to have a good time! And when they have a good time, they still know how to win everything! Lambda's are pretty diverse guys with quirky personalities, so you probably are too! Lambda Chi and hell of a girl ;)

Theta Chi

Theta Chi

The cross between loving country down to the bone, and knowing how to have a good time. You're probably always ready to try something new, but not do too much with it. Although they aren't front of the line for everything when it comes to philanthropies, Theta Chi has some of the coolest people you will ever meet, along with being great gentlemen who you can just be yourself around.

Phi Kappa Psi

Phi Kappa Psi

PHI KAPPA PSI! You are a well rounded individual. You know how to have a strong sisterhood between your friends, participate heavily in philanthropies, have great grades, and know how to have a good time. The bonds of this house cannot be broken so you are probably an individual who cherishes every part of college deeply. LEDN!

Pi Kappa Phi

Pi Kappa Phi

Pi Kappa Phi! You probably love the gym and are always ready for a good time. Sisterhood is a pretty big thing for you, but you love to be outgoing and meet other people. You probably have several drinking games up your sleeve and enjoy the Bay Area. Welcome back to the era of Sing, Pi Kapps have been killing it! Watch out, as a person, you seem like you might not do as much but you really do a lot and are a valuable person to this campus!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021