How good is your memory?
How good is your memory?
Watch the video and test your memory by answering questions. (No cheating!)
Watch the video and test your memory by answering questions. (No cheating!)

What animal screams at the start of the video?
Which two famous cats are seen at the start of the video?
Which dance were the prisoners drawn on the piece of paper doing?
What word is written on the ground when stuntman Felix Baumgartner jumps from the plane?
A man is shown being kicked in the face by a train driver. What colour was the train?
What do some of the Harlem Shakers turn into?
What does the girl say when TV presenter Jimmy Kimmel extinguishes the flames?
What is the name of the cat which appears in the "memes" segment of the video?
Which perfume is featured in the advert with the shirtless man?
How many groups are featured in the "Vloggers" section?